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Photographers / Directors


Based in New York, Creative Services is an independent agency specializing in the representation of photographers, filmmakers, and creatives engaged in fashion, editorial, and advertising. Serving as a catalyst for the evolution of visual storytelling within the intersections of fashion, luxury, and technology, our fundamental mission revolves around representing a diverse range of image-makers who share a collective vision of ushering in a distinctive era of creativity.

Going beyond traditional representation, our agency is propelled by a profound commitment to fostering creativity and championing innovative ideas. Our overarching concept is centered on providing comprehensive support for artists' development, spanning from involvement in large-scale advertising campaigns to curating one-off exhibitions and overseeing book projects. We are active participants, contributing to the evolution of the creative landscape across various industries.

We pride ourselves on delivering a premium and comprehensive level of service that goes beyond conventional industry standards - through an unwavering commitment to excellence, personalized representation, global reach, and a forward-thinking approach that actively contributes to the advancement of the creative industries we serve. At the heart of our mission is a dedication to excellence in supporting our artists and clients.


360-Degree Approach
Art Buying
Artist Representation & Development
Brand Collaborations
Casting Services
Consulting Services
Creative Concepting
Full-Service Production
Production Management
Promotion and Marketing
Strategic Partnerships


New York

87 Walker Street
Suite 6A
New York, NY 10003

General Inquiries

Joel Mojica - Founder
Office +1 917 409 6289


Terms of Use

Creative Services

Creative Services